
Become Inspired . . .

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Some of you may have read the dialogue I had with Donna Rock yesterday on the blog. Donna posted a video or herself which reminded me of these other two. Donna is an amazing person, be around her for only a few minutes and you can not help but be inspired.

The inspiration does not come from any disability, but rather but her great ability. She is one of the most naturally gifted dog trainers I have ever worked with, and I have worked with a lot. Through all the precision she teaches in obedience she is always feeding into the dog’s love to work. She has a very light hearted way with her dogs. She is demanding without being tyrannical about it.

Watch these next 2 videos (and go back to the comments section and watch the other one Donna posted) but don’t look at what Donna can’t do, focus on her amazing; timing, her discreet application of criteria and her brilliant decision making when it comes to reinforcement or controlling access to it.  

On top of her ability Donna has a great sense of humor and not once in all the days she worked with me did she ever complain about how tough the mechanics would be for her. Even when I was teaching hand targets, not once did Donna whine and say “what about me. . . “, she simply innovated and did what was necessary to made each exercise her own.

Today I am grateful that my career  allows me to meet inspiring individuals like Donna Rock.


  1. Thanks for such nice compliments Susan! Gosh, I hope my instuctor doesn’t read this, I may have had a meltdown in front of her a time or two. 🙂

    It’s a beautiful morning here in Louisiana and after being reinspired by Susan G., or myself, not sure which, I am off to agility class! (the flip side of Susan’s post is, “oh the pressure, now I have to go live up to that!”)

    Donna, Annie, Roller and Risk

  2. Donna Rock(s)! When I lived in New Orleans, I had the pleasure of seeing Donna & her beautiful Dobe, Annie, compete in agility. They went on to earn their MACH. Truly inspiring for the days when I get frustrated. Thank you, Donna & Susan!

  3. Beautiful!! just loved watching such beautiful work.

  4. Susan, I must say that Donna inspired me 2 years ago when I watched a video of her running Annie the Dobe in agility that someone sent to me. Little did I know some time later she would contact me for a border collie! I only hesitated for a moment before considering her a most worthy person for one of my Hob Nob pups! I believe they are a match made in heaven and I couldn’t be more proud of them both!

    It truly is teams like Donna and Roller that keep me grounded!

    BTW, I am loving the 2×2 weave method and have encouraged many Hob Nob owners to buy the DVD and have fun learning this most wonderful method! Kudos to you for being so explicit with such great details! Truly a breeze for anyone to follow! Well done and you have much to be proud for all that you contribute to the sport of agility!

    • Thanks Jan, I am glad you enjoyed the DVD, I wish more people were not afraid to put themselves out there and leave what “worked” for them previously, to try something new!

  5. just had to fix the error

  6. Wow, what an awesome woman Donna Rock is! Loved the connection between her and her dogs.

    Diane in KY

    • Hey Diane,

      I used to live in KY. Are you anywhere near Lexington?


      • Yes, I live exactly 1 hour north of the Ky Horse Park…..

  7. I LOVE Donna and her Dobe. I have seen her run a few times and it is ALWAYS a jaw dropper. Very very inspiring, thank you for sharing.

  8. Yes, what timing on rewards and withholding rewards…very inspiring!!! Thank you for sharing these videos for the blog Donna.


  9. Amazing! It looks as if they’re all having a lot of fun! 🙂

  10. watching donna should be a prerequisite for training. her timing is flawless and her relationshiip with her dog is wonderful.she epitomizes the saying ‘train, don’t complain”. i hope i can meet her someday. jan, beautiful pup! haven’t seen you since i trained my irish water spaniel with you years ago when you were in massachusetts. joyce

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